
Analysis of the performance of the Blog

This blog aims to analyse the overall performance of the blog using Google Analytics. This will done with the support of screenshots of the Google Analytics report. The analysis will be done over a period of one month stating from January 26th to February 25th. First let us have look at the Audience Overview of the blog.                                                            Figure 1: Audience Overview         The above figure illustrates the Audience Overview of the blog. From the figure it is clear that the Bounce is almost 70% which is very good. Other details include the average time spent on the page, number of users etc. Next let us take a look at the Acquisition overview of the blog.             Figure 2 : Acquisition Overview Acquisition Overview provides t...

Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

               Artificial Intelligence have begun to show its presence in almost every field. It is not different in the case of marketing as well. Marketers have been relying on Artificial Intelligence for better marketing practices. Artificial Intelligence in Marketing can be used to various purposes like suggesting a product for a customer and so on. Nowadays with the advancement in technology more and more chances are there for Artificial intelligence in the field of Marketing.                One of the most common areas in which Artificial Intelligence is used in Marketing is in the field of product recommendation. The system analyses the buying behavior of a customer and make suggestions or recommendations to the customer, which aids the customer in future shopping. It is not only applicable in recommending products but also to content which an user uses over the Internet.       ...

Benefits and Challenges of Using Customer Data for Marketing

Benefits of Using Customer Data for Marketing Segmenting Customers - With the help of using customer data for marketing many companies have been successfully segmenting their customers. By making use of the data collected from the customers, the companies can filter and categorize their customers based on various factors such as location, buying behavior etc. Once the customers are segmented various strategies can be applied to various customer segment needs. Knowing Customer Interests  - By collecting the data from the customers the companies are able to know their customers more. If only they know their customers more, they will be able to design the right type of marketing needed for them. Marketing will be successful only when the customers feel that they are valued or their needs and interests are into account by the marketers. Challenges of Using Customer Data for Marketing Creating Bad Impression  - Customers often have a bad impression about the company wh...

Value in Big Data for Marketing

               Big Data plays a significant role in the field of Marketing. Big Data helps to analyze the customer trends which is of great use in marketing. Also it helps in Fraud detection and compliance for a company which is very important for marketing. In addition to that Big Data also helps in the process of introducing new product which again is significantly related to marketing. Another very important scope of Big Data in Marketing is in the field of customer satisfaction.                The above mentioned areas are in which Big Data had proved itself valuable in the field of Marketing. Apart from these areas, there are other areas as well in which Big Data has started to prove its significance when looked from the angle of Marketing. The decisions related to pricing is an area in which Big Data is strongly proving its necessity. With the use of Big Data for price related problems, many decisio...

3 V's - Volume, Velocity and Variety

               The 3 V's of Big Data are Volume, Velocity and Variety. Volume, as the name suggests refers to the quantity of data. Velocity refers to the speed at which the data is tacked, stored and processed. Variety is nothing but the different types of data that are available. Among the 3 V's of Big Data most people think that Volume plays the key role to success. But this is not the case. Big Data can be used effectively only if all of the three are considered or treated accordingly.                                                       Source: Volume The amount of data that is available today is very large. That is not only for businesses, but is also same for individuals as well. Few years ago, data was internally generated by the employees of an organisation. But this is n...

What is Big Data?

               Big Data simply refers to the huge quantity of data which can be either structured or unstructured that is used by an organisation for its day to day activities. The quantity of data is so vast that it couldn't be analysed using the traditional methods available. So what makes makes the Big Data really big? Of course, its not the size of the data that makes it important, its what businesses do with it makes it much valuable. Big Data helps the businesses to take decisions or make strategies by conducting a study of these data. Businesses used to analyse data from earlier days itself but it really became a point of interest among businesses from the year 2000. The 3 V's of Big Data Volume  - Businesses use different ways to collect data. Some of the common techniques used are by analyzing electronic transactions, social media activity, smart devices and much more. It would have been really impossible in the past to store su...